Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My name is KIMBERLY SEALS ALLERS, and I am a mother. But my journey to motherhood was not your typical one. Quite frankly, I never engaged in fanciful daydreams of pushing a child out of my loins.

Growing up in Queens, New York I was focused on one thing: becoming the black Brenda Starr—a hot shot, headstrong reporter (minus the red hair) who traveled the world scooping stories and breaking hearts.

That dream led me to New York University where I received my degree in journalism and secondary English education, and then into the rough and tumble waters of New York’s media scene, where I worked as a reporter for Fortune magazine, then as the Wall Street writer for the New York Post, including a stint in London as a writer for The Times, another NewsCorp publication. My time in London allowed me to travel extensively — making stops all over France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, and Scotland (where I would later get married).

In 2003, I returned to Fortune as a writer, and later joined Essence magazine as Senior Editor, personal finance and careers. All the while, still continuing to freelance for magazines like Real Simple, Essence, Black Enterprise, Upscale, Better Homes & Gardens, and Working Woman, to name a few.

With a life that was seemingly chock full of momentous occasions, the truth is, I can barely remember most of it. Sure, it’s true that pregnancy and motherhood seem to destroy an inordinate amount of brain cells related to memory. But it’s also an undisputed fact that motherhood brings fresh experiences that are so much deeper and richer than anything that came before, that they tend to cloud out a lot of the other stuff.

My priorities have changed, my awareness and sensitivities have changed, and my respect for the gift women have to shepherd life into this world is at its zenith.

My name is KIMBERLY SEALS ALLERS and I am a mother.

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